Rapid resource assessment
Resource mapping
The foundation of good decision making in forestry is the availability of forest resource information at an appropriate precision. A successful field survey needs to be designed with the business objective and the nature and spatial distribution of the asset in mind.
Silvalytics can design and if required, execute field surveys, using standardised methodologies, precise equipment and trained staff. Using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) we can verify boundaries and present back to the client a substantial information package or host the information on a private website.
A rapid appraisal of the current state of the resource may be required following storm or fire damage or simply required for a forest portfolio under consideration for investment. The cost and availability of remote sensing data is improving rapidly, making this a very useful option.
Silvalytics has the skills and partnerships in place to understand these data sources and mount a rapid response.
Advances in remote sensing enable cost-effective assessment of contiguous and scattered forest resources at high-resolution. To take advantage of these developments Silvalytics and its partners have developed routines and processes that make extensive use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, satellite imagery and LiDAR.
Where currently available data is not sufficient we can acquire or commission data capture from the most appropriate source and conduct 'ground-truthing' surveys to ensure the correct inferences are made from remotely acquired data.