Forestry is a long-term undertaking and looking to the future is necessary in all aspects of forest management. Valuations require detailed predictions of future wood flows and cash flows and these, in turn, rely on information about the current crop, growth predictions and many other inputs.
Forest valuations may be required for a number of purposes: financial statement asset reporting, merger and acquisition activities, debt security, probate, insurance, or taxation apportionment.
Silvalytics expertise allows a truly independent and objective assessment of value and the identification of its key drivers. Our valuations are highly structured and easily repeated, greatly aiding in ongoing compliance and audit applications.
Silvalytics conducts asset valuations according to recognised standards, using recommended approaches. We routinely employ sophisticated forest estate modelling techniques in our valuations.
Silvalytics assists clients to develop forest investment strategies based on their specific requirements. We help financial investors in assessing timberland investment opportunities in Ireland and the UK.